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Writer's picture: Lawrence MusunteLawrence Musunte


We come from the past where ambition is demonized. Where talking about your strengths & what you are able to achieve is called pride.

One day I was on a long distance bus. In the midst of nowhere the driver fall sick that he couldn't afford to drive. It was getting dark and dangerous until the conductor asked if there was a qualified bus driver on the bus.

There was a qualified bus driver but he was not willing to stand up, and take the sterling wheel.

Until I overheard the wife begging him to take the wheel. Reluctantly, he took the wheel and lead us to our destination late, but safe.

Giftedness is not enough! Willingness, desire, ambition to Stretch oneself to become everything God originally intended you to become.

Ambition drivers giftedness.

God designed Pastoral ministry in the local church.

Someone has to step up & lead God's people.


Bishop; This is someone who has spiritual oversight in the local Church.

I will be using titles in my sermon like Overseer, bishop, pastor, Shepherd, Elder.

These are used interchangeably for the purpose of this sermon.

Two words describe the same office;

(a) Presbuteros = 'elder' (Overseer)

(b) Poimen = 'shepherd' (Pastor)

"Therefore, take heed to yourselves and to all the flock, among which the Holy Spirit has made you overseers, Shepherd the church of God which He purchased with His own blood. For I know this, that after my departure savage wolves will come in among you, not sparing the flock" (Acts 20: 28-30)

Spiritual leaders are called by God to; feed (provide) the flock, and protect them from danger.

Desires; means to set one's heart on the office of the Bishop. It means to aspire. To be ambitious.

"If a man desires the position of a bishop, he desires a good thing" (1 Timothy 3: 1)

Now this is how it might sound to some people reading this; "wow, I envy you. Such a prestigious position"

But the idea is; "the office you seek is noble, it's honourable".

Paul is not encouraging selfish ambition for the pecks, salary, travel allowances, power and attention that comes with spiritual leadership.

The reason he applauds it is because this is not a selfish desire. Pastoral ministry is a noble task.

The Priesthood of all believers does not nullify the need for pastoral ministry in the local church.

"Let the elders who rule well be counted worthy of double honor, especially those who labor in the word and doctrine. For the scripture says; you shall not muzzle an ox while it treads out the grain, and the laborer is worthy of his wages" (1 Timothy 5: 17-18)

On one hand Pastoral ministry may come with some privileges, but on the other responsibilities.

Desire the office, and embrace the discipline/decorum that goes with this office.

Calling, Conviction & Confirmation;

Is Pastoral ministry a calling or desire? One cannot do the work of pastoral ministry without the call of God upon his life.

However, calling alone is not enough. Like the man on the bus, though he was a qualified bus driver he had to step up, walk to the front and take the drivers seat.

Three things that must be present during the bishops selection/interviews;

(i) Divine Calling

(ii) Human conviction

(iii) Human confirmation

Ordination is simply a confirmation of the call of God upon your life.

Through personal conviction, zeal and desire to fulfill the call of God upon your life, the church, believers and elders become partakers of your calling therefore confirming that indeed God's hand is upon your life.


"A bishop then must be blameless" (1 Timothy 3: 1-7)

The words "above reproach" frames the other qualifications that follows in the passage.

"A bishop then must be blameless, the husband of one wife, temperate, sober-minded, of good behaviour, hospitable, able to teach, not given to wine, not violent, not greedy for money, but gentle, not quarrelsome, not covetous, one who rules his own house well, having his children in submission with all reverence (for if a man does not know how to rule his own house, how will he take care of the church of God); not a novice, lest being puffed up with pride he fall into the same condemnation as the devil. Moreover, he must have a good testimony among those who are outside, lest he fall into reproach and the snare of the devil" (1 Timothy 3:2-7)

There was a lot of heresy in Ephesus. Wherever false teachers make head ways, moral decay accompanies that society.

Political leaders were also expected to be "above reproach".

The Church which was under intense persecution had to protect herself from public slander.

"Above reproach" clean reputation. Accusations will definitely be levelled against the pastors, but they will not stand.

"Above reproach" is living according to the list highlighted below;


(1) The Husband Of One Wife

He who sets his heart to be a bishop, his heart should be set on one woman.

This point should be understood that the office of the Bishop requires that the Bishop is faithful to his wife.

There is a difference between the office or kingship of Solomon with his 700 wives, and the office of the Bishop.

If you aspire to be a bishop forget Solomon's example, stick to one married partner.

King Solomon is not an example of spiritual leadership in the New Testament.

If your appetite cannot be satisfied by one woman, ordained ministry is not for you, pass!

This passage doesn't disqualify single persons called to the ministry. Otherwise the Apostle Paul himself, & Timothy would be disqualified as elders.

The overseers called to lead God's church, who are called to teach the doctrines of the church, must be clear in areas of sex and marriage.

It's amazing that the first qualification is marriage.

Israel's relationship with God was likened to the relationship of husband & wife.

The church is the bride of Christ. How can a man who is not faithful to one wife, be faithful to Christ?

(2) Sober-minded

To be temperate means to be 'sober'. It means one is clear minded.

(3) Hospitable

When one is Sober-minded it's easier to be hospitable.

The term 'Philoxenia' is the opposite of 'Xenophobia'.

Philoxenia means 'love for strangers' while Xenophobia means 'fear of strangers'.

The church of Jesus Christ includes people from diverse backgrounds.

In that context guest houses on road side where also used as brothels. Christians & Christian preachers coming to preach needed to be accommodated in by believers & that burden fall largely on Spiritual leaders.

Therefore it was important that the elder/bishop/pastor ought to have this quality of hospitality.

"Do not neglect to show hospitality to strangers, for thereby some have entertained angels unaware" (Hebrew 13:2)

(4) Able To Teacher

This is the only professional qualification found in the midst of moral qualities.

Pastors are teachers of the word of God.

(5) Not a drunkard

They say, "No drinking & driving" because you might cause accident. In the same way "No drinking and teaching"

This is not an instruction that required total absterning.

Since Jesus himself turned water into wine, and wine is become the emblem of his blood.

Paul tells Timothy; "No longer drink only water, but use a little wine for your stomach's sake and your frequent infirmities" (1 Timothy 5: 23)

There is absolutely no contradiction between in Paul.

Context, context, context must inform our interpretation & ultimately our application.

It is believed that the water in Ephesus was bad. It was hard to find clean drinking water.

This instruction is personal to Timothy who seem to be struggling from a stomach problem.

It is believed that wine was also used as remedy for some illness.

(6) Not Violent but gentle.

A Pastor should not be violent, a bully with his tongue and quarrelsome. Never crushing a crashed soul.

(7) Not a lover of money

This quality already assume there is money in ministry.

Through out the history of the church, evil people have tried to make money out of ministry.

"It's heads give judgement for a bribe; her priests teach for a price; it's prophets practice divination for money..." (Micah 3: 11)

(8) Managers His Own Household

Family is complex depending on where one comes from.

In the Greco-Roman culture households were bigger by far bigger than our nuclear family.

Family is a microcosm of society, therefore a leader ought to exercise his leadership skills at home.

(9) Not A New Convert.

There is need to first disciple new believers before giving them positions of leadership in church.

Spiritual leadership is for the mature.

(10) Well Thought Of By Outsiders

Out siders refer to non-christians. Your testimony from outsiders is key for outreach ministry.


Spiritual leaders are those who are above reproach & willing to reach the highest standards of morality.

On that day on the bus, there were many drivers on board who drives small vehicles. But we needed a qualified bus drivers who is able to drive God's people to their destination safely, and that is the role of spiritual leaders.



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