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Writer's picture: Lawrence MusunteLawrence Musunte

Updated: Jul 31, 2021

Top among the names of pioneers of a prosperity theology are; E.W Kenyon, Oral Roberts, Robert Tilton, T. L Osborn, Joel Osteen, Creflo Dollar, Kenneth Copeland, Kenneth Hagin & Benny Hinn to mention but a few. The faithful consumer of the prosperity gospel is sincerely deceived that they can receive the gospel from Evangelist Billy Graham and still fail to identify the subtle differences between what Billy Graham and What Kenneth Copeland are preaching.


I define Prosperity Gospel as a theology that holds the view that somehow "grace" can be accessed through the financial and material seeds the believer offers. Grace which is defined as "the unmerited favor of God". Emphasis on the word "unmerited" which means the elements of grace which includes; salvation, deliverance, healing miracles, gifts of the spirit, the Holy Spirit, financial and material favor cannot be earned by works or bought at a price. Peter answered: "May your money perish with you, because you thought you could buy the gift of God with money" (Acts 8:20) Have you been to a church service or conference where the Preacher like a master sales person claims, "these apples in my hands are anointed apples. Whoever bits these apples will have their lives, health, business, promotions sweetened with divine favor. The first 25 people to sow a seed of R1000 will get major breakthroughs" That is how the prosperity gospel looks like. And people want their lives sweetened. They want to prosper financially that they believe by giving these amounts of money God will move mountains for them. Preachers preying on the desperation of their naïve but sincerely deceived followers are selling grace openly. The Old Testament Prophet had this to say, "Her leaders judge for a bribe, her Priests teach for a price, and her Prophets tell fortunes for money". (Micah 3:11) Wow! Wow! Wow! How did we miss scripture as it speaks right where we are at right now.


The field of Theology in it's current form is Euro-centric. The African child receives a theology defined, explained and applied with the context (world) of it's scholars. Biblical theology, systematic theology, pastoral theology are all wrapped up in a Euro-centric parcel. The attempts on Liberation Theology and African Approach to Theology is deemed as a dangerous terrain that will lead to heresy. The African child equipped in Euro-centric theology is daily conflicted because the tools in his hands can't deal with unique African demons of poverty, diseases, illiteracy, witchcraft and demonic oppression.


"Theology answers the essential question about the meaning of life, and man's significance through studying the nature of God's revelation in the Bible" Often this conversation on Prosperity Gospel tends to lean not on theology, but on theological positions. On the surface it looks like a war of words between Evangelicals and Pentecostals/Charismatic. Those of us who might be defined as Pentecostals are deemed to be emotional, ignorant and shallow as it relates to faithful handling of scripture. Consequently we are all branded Prosperity preachers because we belong to either Pentecostalism or charismatic. This assertion is false and slows down apologetics because those who invest money into the gospel ministry in Africa overlook us and fail to fund us because to them all Pentecostals and charismatic are prosperity preachers. The case of throwing the baby together with the bath water. Evangelical Theology is a broader definition that includes different denominational groupings. In this sense my argument is that Prosperity Gospel is not a denominational issue. Evangelical Theology view scripture as being sufficient (enough) and the final arbitor on matters of faith and practice. Therefore Evangelicalism includes Baptists, Anglicans, Methodist, Pentecostals and Charismatics. The issue therefore as it relates to Prosperity gospel is not between Evangelicals and Pentecostals. Those who assume Pentecostals and Charismatics all fall under Prosperity gospel are ignorantly or intentionally misleading and making the efforts of expounding the truths of God's word, and exposing false teachings (apologetics) difficult. Reducing the conversation to denominational issue instead of doctrinal convictions. Those of us in the frontlines expounding the truths of God's word do so largely on social media platforms because the gospel is no longer a priority in terms of funding, while false teachers have money and mobility to reach people on TV and in huge conferences. I view myself as an evangelical and charismatic and I am not conflicted in regard to the sufficiency of scripture that includes the Person and the Work of the Holy Spirit. African Christians are at the receiving end of euro-centric theology that includes the Prosperity gospel. So when Benny Hinn appear on TBN he would appeal for believers to give, and promise healing, financial breakthroughs. Because the initiators of this gospel are in the developed world, the African consumer copy & paste the prosperity gospel in a developing (a polite word for poor) countries and it doesn't fit well. In the developed World prosperity is about the distribution of wealth. In poor countries we begin to prosper not by plant a seed in the form of offering and tithes. Our context is different. Our approach first is to create wealth.


Truth is poverty is indeed a curse. Africans want to find quick solution to escape poverty. The prosperity gospel massages the greedy in us and our desire to escape poverty fast. Prosperity preacher's approach is similar to these marketing schemes built around a Pyramid system where you join and recruit others. The key speakers in these Pyramid systems dress to impress and talk big. They talk about how this network business has taken them to holidays overseas, built mansions and drive big cars. Sounds promising and convincing but those below do not see the fulfillment of those promises. Lastly; the prosperity gospel preachers often suggest that the opposite of Prosperity gospel is poverty gospel. That is not true! There is only one gospel which is the gospel of Jesus Christ. Christ is the central hub of the gospel. It is not about man, money, power etc it's about Christ. The gospel content is death, burial, resurrection, ascension and ultimately second coming of the Lord Jesus Christ. Christ is that prophetic Serpent crasher. The seed of the woman that crashed the seed of the Serpent. There is nothing wrong for a believer to be financially and materially prosperous. However, Grace to prosper is not for sale. God bless you for reading and sharing

Lawrence Musunte

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