2. MANIFESTATIONAL GIFTS (1 Corinthians 12:1-11)
The reason we go into a particular geographical position in a place we call local Church is for corporate worship and fellowship.
Fellowship from the Greek word 'koinonia' means sharing things in common.
The current local Church can best be described as entertainment places.
In these 'Churches' there is a clear distinction between the #superstar spiritual celebrities and the #spectator's syndrome.
The #famous and the #fans, #cultic leaders and #deceived followers who believe that the cult leader embodies the spiritual gifts, and that by #connecting to the 'grace' (gifts of the cult leader) they are blessed through the man of God.
The gifts of the Spirit are distributed to the body of Christ. Christian fellowship therefore means sharing in our spiritual gifts, and sharing things in common. Christians are not spectators but participants in the service of God.
Having covered on Motivational gifts yesterday, today we move our conversation on 'focus on the gifts in Church' to Manifestational gifts.
The difference between motivational gifts of Romans 12, and the Manifestational gifts of 1 Corinthians 12 is that Motivational gifts emphasized on the believers attitude in excercising his/her spiritual gifts.
Focus was that we should not underestimate or over exaggerate the grace (gifts) of God upon our lives. Our self assessment should be of sober judgement.
In exercising these gifts we ought to cover ourselves with the garment of humility.
The Manifestational gifts will move a step further and focus on the #Giver or source of the spiritual gifts. That it is God through the Holy spirit who distrubutes these gifts according to His Will.
The end result of these gifts is to build up the Body of Christ.
The Context of (1 Cor. 12) is based on the abuse of spiritual gifts. In fact Paul refers to the Corinthian Church as being carnal.
They were carnal because they used spiritual gifts as a measure of who is more gifted than the other.
The power struggle between apostles and their followers is the reason why the Apostle Paul is responding to in this passage.
This speaks to our context today where Paparism is a norm. Instead of making disciples of Jesus Christ, celebrity preachers emphasizes "my sons and daughters".
The priority is no longer disciples of Jesus but sons and daughters of Prophets.
"Now concerning spiritual gifts brethren, I do not want you to be ignorant" (1 Cor. 12:1)
Sadly for us many people go to Churches but they remain ignorant of the workings of the gifts of the Holy Spirit.
The desire for this gift, or that gift that is deemed 'power gifts', Preachers are consulting witch doctors to empower them with power to gather millions of followers.
If we understand the source of the spiritual gifts, and the purpose of the same, we will not seek help to do God's work from the under world.
"You know that you were Gentiles, carried away to these dumb idols, however you were led. Therefore I make known to you that no one speaking by the Spirit of God calls Jesus accursed, and no one can say that Jesus is Lord except by the Holy Spirit" (1 Cor.12: 2-3)
Here is portion of scripture that is widely misunderstood. The confession of Jesus Christ as Lord is the goal of Gospel Proclamation.
The gifts therefore are playing a role that points to the work of salvation. Therefore prophecy, word of knowledge, gifts of healing and miracles etc must bring the losts sinners in repentance by confessing Jesus Christ as Lord.
"and no one can say that Jesus is Lord except by the Holy Spirit" means no person can confess Jesus as Lord unless they are drawn by the Holy Spirit.
What this passage does not mean is that anyone who says Jesus is Lord must be a Christian.
There are many people doing miracles in the name of Jesus, but on that day Jesus Christ will say, "go away from me, I never knew you".
The second point in this passage is "you were Gentiles carried away by dumb idols"
here Paul is pointing out that prophesying does not mean a sign of godliness.
The pagan Greek world actually had Oratory shrines where possessed people would prophesy ecstatically inspired by idols.
Paul points to this fact to remind the Corinthians that they came from paganism making a point that ecstasy cannot authenticate the the work of God.
"There are diversities of gifts, but the same spirit"
"There are differences of ministries, but the same Lord"
"There are diversities of activities, but it is the same God who works all in all"
The phrasing of the words; same Spirit, same Lord, and same God points to the blessed Trinity in the distribution of the Spiritual gifts.
God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit are involved in the distribution of the Spiritual gifts.
The words diversities and differences can be used interchangeably perhaps to emphasize the varieties of the gifts in the Body.
During 'chilanga mulilo' which is a ceremony where the Groom is officially invited by the Bride's family to introduce their son-in-law to the varieties of traditional foods.
It also opens the door to the Groom to eat and drink at his in-laws because traditionally if you are interested to marry from that family, you should never ate cooked food from that household.
Now during this ceremony varieties of food are presented to the Groom. He gets to taste from every dish.
In a local church with one 'power gift' you only get to test one dish of the Spiritual gifts.
Consequently you will never grow strong and healthy as a Christian because only one gift is on the menu.
God's plan is to test/partake of the varieties of spiritual gifts. Precisely why we have the phrases; apportions, diversities, varieties etc.
(Vs. 7)
"But the Manifestation of the Spirit is given to each one for the profit of all:"
Question: Why are Spiritual gifts given to each one?
Answer: To Profit of all.
Spiritual Gifts are not given to boast the recipient's ego, but to the advantage of the whole in the Body.
The manifestation of the Spirit should be understood as the revelation or public display of the Spirit.
Just like wind it cannot be seen, but the results of a strong wind can been seen as electricity polls, trees fall down. Houses breaking down, cars overturned. We can see the impact of the Manifestational gifts in the lives of believers.
(1 Corinthians 12:8-12)
This passage is a breakdown of Manifestational Gifts.
1. Word of Wisdom
2. Word of knowledge
3. Faith
4. Gifts of Healings
5. Working of Miracles
6. Prophecy
7. Discerning of Spirits
8.Different kinds of tongues
9. Interpretation of tongues
In (vs.8) we see a clear distinction between the 'word of wisdom' and the word of knowledge.
Wisdom can be defined as the right application of knowledge. This wisdom is not derived from the World, but from God by His Spirit.
Often in our Churches we define shrewdness or cowardice as wisdom. The Spirit of wisdom is derived from the revealed knowledge from scripture.
This wisdom contrary to the Corinthian church flows from God revealing the mysteries of salvation.
The word of knowledge finds it's expression in the teaching ministry. While wisdom is derived from knowledge this gift gives one much deeper understanding of God's word which manifest in a particular or unique context meeting the exact needs.
You hear someone say, "Lawrence this word you have given is mine". As I am writing there are people who will scroll down pass this post, yet you are still reading. Because it is the unique word for you. It speaks to your urgent need.
The gift of faith here doesn't mean the saving faith. This is the kind of faith we normally phrase, "faith that moves mountains". It's Greater faith that certain members of the body of Christ possess.
The gift of healing and working of miracles implies some people have grace to do wonders.
It doesn't therefore mean other believers in Christ don't have the grace to pray for the sick.
We all have a measure of healing and miracles, but certain individuals might be flowing more in this grace.
The grace of prophecy is included on this list again.
The gift of discernment is one that I feel God has given me. Spiritually, I am not the easiest person to deceive.
This gift has kept me from false prophets who have invaded the Church.
Often when I point out something, people who are sold into a lie will just call me jealous.
Today I have seen people who opposed me on Paparism writing articles against Paparism.
It took long for them to discern, but for me I can feel, sense, smell a person from a distance.
Discernment of spirits is the grace to identify counterfeit spirits.
This gift exist to protect the Church from counterfeit spirits. I hear people say, "we need the Prophetic" well the Prophetic can be #Powerful and #Subtle.
Therefore you need to identify, and encourage people with the gift of discernment.
To discern is to distinguish or judge between right and wrong. You shouldn't kill the gift by saying, "don't judge" we need to judge between the Spirit of God, and counterfeit spirits.
The last two gifts are the gift of tongues and interpretation of tongues.
In corporate worship there must be order in exercising spiritual gifts.
In the context of the local Church spiritual gifts should bring edification to the Body not confusion.
Therefore; those speaking in tongues by the Spirit should also pray for the interpretation of the same.
Is the summary statement pointing to the unity of the Body of Christ.
This Unity we pray for only comes by the effective manifestation of the Spirit.
When we talk about Unity we are not suggesting sameness.
Copy cut gifts and behaviors of your senior Pastor is never the goal.
You can be blessed by my gift and still remain uniquely you. Just like the hands can be blessed by the legs, yet they don't have to become legs to be effective.
Chapter 13 is the high point in the conversation on Spiritual gifts. Spiritual gifts should never be abused for ego, for financial profit or looking down on others.
Spiritual gifts are powerful that a person can prophesy, cast out demons, speak in tongues, and perform miracles while living in anger, hatred, unforgivess and bitterness.
The right use of spiritual gifts is in the spirit of love.
Otherwise we are but sounding brass or a clanging cymbal.
I Pray that knowing God as the source of gifts, we can approach Him, and allow Him to use these gifts in us in love.
Next; we will cover the Ministry gifts also known as Ephesians 4 Gifts or Leadership Gifts.
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Lawrence Musunte