Dear President Hichilema,
I write to you on the occasion of Father's day. As a father you are aware of the fear in your children's eyes in the face of danger and uncertainty.
And the father's courage to inspire hope in the midst of fear and confusion.
The father should never look away, look your children in the eyes and say, "it's gonna be alright".
It is crystal clear that the young people in Zambia are beginning to be agitated. Their patience has been pushed to the extreme.
We all know when young people are hungry and angry. They will step out and no amount of cultural manipulation will silence them. The issues they are articulating are within their rights.
You might be wondering as to why I am addressing you instead of the incumbent President of Zambia Edgar Changwa Lungu.
I do so with a great sense of urgency and humility because it is becoming clear everyday that a change of leadership in our country is fast approaching.
One ought not to be a Prophet or fortune teller to watch where the scales are tilting.
I pen down this open letter with this understanding that you Sir might just end up forming Government one day.
It's on this basis that I ask that you look us in the eye and tell us your reign will not be the same as this PF Government of terror and intolerance.
Mr. President Zambia belongs to all who live in it and not the elite who are politically connected.
Look us in the eye Sir and tell us the freedom of #speech, #movement and #assembly enshrined in our constitution will be respected.
It can't be that each time the opposition party leaders assemble Police abuse them. It can't be that radio stations that host opposition leaders become targets of arsonists.
Mr. President law and order is important and Police should be able to discharge their work professionally without getting instructions from Politicians.
Zambia got her independence in 1964, we moved into multi-party democracy in 1991 but to this day democracy on paper and in practice are two different things.
What we are seeing is dictatorship with impunity. What we see are People who don't deserve to be called Honourables bully citizens with impunity.
Mr. President look us in the eye and say the likes of Dishourable Bowman Lusambo & Dora Siliya should not be part of your administration.
We need leaders who respect the constitution and the People of Zambia.
Mr. President a precedence has been set that the Public broadcaster ZNBC is a propaganda media house in favor of the ruling Party.
It's a shame that our neighbors in South Africa can cover the opposition party Press briefings and rallies by State owned Broadcaster SABC.
Sir, look us in the eye and tell us ZNBC will be returned to the State and will cover news across political lines without fear or favor.
We don't need a change of Government, Zambians have done that repeatedly. We need the change in the systems.
President Hichilema the Executive, Judiciary and Law enforcement are the most abused instruments in our country.
Our law enforcement are corrupt. Our Judicially is corrupt. Our executives have no shame left corruption is appeased among us.
Mr. President look us in the eye and tells us there will be separation of powers. The Anti-corruption commission of Zambia need urgent reformation. Mr. President institutions that provides checks and balances should be independent.
President Hichilema look us in the eye and tell us your reign will bring to end Police brutality. We are still asking for justices for #LawrenceBanda, #Vesper, #FrankMugala.
We still don't have a report on the fire on Soweto Market and Fire engines whose prices were inflated.
We are still traumatized by gassings and the mob killings that happened in this country. We are aware of the illegal exportation of Mukula and many other issues unresolved.
The Anti-corruption commission that can't find the owner of 48 houses is a very compromised institution.
Mr. President we need a National dialogue to determine what we Zambians want so we can have a vision for Zambia that is above Party Politics.
Mr. President "Zambia is a Christian Nation" has been a tool Politicians have used to hook gullible Christians to support them even in corruption.
The Church has a mandate from God and uses the Christian Bible as the basis of faith and conviction.
The Politicians gets their mandate from the citizens and get marching orders from the constitution.
Sir, when you are sworn in as President of Zambia yours is not a church position but Political.
Building cathedrals and calling for Prayers should be the responsibility of the Church.
Build hospitals, schools, and roads for all Zambians.
Our Pastors should not be bribed under any circumstances, and those who seek a bribe should be exposed.
Where are Pastors in the issues of Injustice, corruption, police brutality, suppression of the media and Political violence?
How can Pastors who have wined and dinned with the oppressive regime speak for the voiceless?
They can't because the forces that be has silenced them with a bribe.
Mr. President as I conclude look us in the eye and assure us that your reign will bring back democracy.
If I want to have a peaceful protest it is my right Mr. President. Don't tell me you have an 'open door' policy to silence me.
Democracy is transparency we don't need closed door meetings that results into bribing or intimidations.
Mr. President look us in the eye and assure us your Government will not determine who gets a police permit to protest.
Allow Police to be independent enough to do their work without the likes of Kapyongos and Lusambos issuing threats.
The Right to picket, to protest is in the constitution.
Mr. President media houses should not be shut down because they have divergent views.
Zambia has the most educated journalists who live in fear and daily compromise their professional ethics to stay alive.
We want to see vibrant journalists who will ask tough questions and investigate high profile cases without fear of arrests or their media houses shut down.
Mr. President look us in the eye and assure us your reign will be democratic.
I thank you Sir,
Lawrence Musunte