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Writer's picture: Lawrence MusunteLawrence Musunte



"The elders who direct the affairs of the Church well are worthy of double honor, especially those whose work is preaching and teaching. For scripture says, do not muzzle the ox while treading out the grain, and the worker deserves his wages" (1 Timothy 5:17-18)

Today in Mfundisi Part 5 we discuss the Pastor's salary. This is not going to be easy because it's about money and people tend to be sensitive when it comes to money issues.

However, this subject Mfundisi should not be approached defensively. The way we deal with issues of finances as Pastor's determines our integrity.

I seek not to take you on a guilty trip on your unconventional means of administering church finances.

Whatever you have done wrong in ignorance cannot be held against you. However, there is need to understand that if we don't change our approach to church finances, more and more young people will see through us and walk out of Churches.

So before we can even look at how Mfundisi's salary needs to look like, we need to first ask where the money in the church comes from.

The Church can't be expected to pay salaries and spend money that she doesn't have. Without a steady flow of income, there is no salary paid to the Pastor.


Let me make a disclaimer here that on Mfundisi Part 5 I am not going to discuss whether tithing is a new testament practice or not. Instead we need to be answering the questions; what is the local Church's source of income?

In answering this question we need to examine four options namely; Preceipts, Principles, Precedents and Freedoms.

It's not like the modern Mfundisi has to re-invent the wheel in as far as the sources of income is concerned.

We have the Old Testament, the New Testament, the Apostle's practice and the Church fathers. We have reservoirs to draw examples from on how the Pators/Gospel workers were supported.


This is law summarized in the Ten Commandments. You can't say I will kill because "do not kill" is old Testament law you are forgetting that these Preceipts are over-arching laws that ought to be obeyed by all of us.

So what exactly does the Preceipts say concerning support for those who serve full time in the temple/Church?

"I give to the Levites all the tithes in Israel as their inheritance in return for work they do while serving at the Tent of meeting..... Instead, I give to the Levites as their inheritance the tithes that the Israelites present as an offering to the LORD" (Numbers 18:21-24)

So whether or not you believe in the practice of tithing in the new testament or not, in the laws God provided means of providing for his servants through tithes, offering and other forms of giving. So instead of trying to prove whether tithing is under the law or grace, we need to at least agree that God had in mind support for the Levites (in particular the Priests)

The Catholic church does not necessarily demand a ten percent from their parishioners.

In Catechism (2043) according to the preceipts of the Catholic church maintain that each person has the duty to support the material needs of the Church.

And each individual fulfills this obligation according to his ability.

There are catholics who set aside 10% of their income as support to the Church, while others give less than 10% and yet others more than 10% but point is each gives according to his ability.

Contrary to some belief that Abraham started tithing or was the first to tithe. Tithing was a common practice in the household of Terah his father.

Tithe was practiced in the idolatrous religion of Abraham's father. Priests at the temples of idols received tithes, but this time Abraham gave tithe as an act of worship to God.


These are biblical rules which were observed both in the new testament and in the old testament. The Principle of sowing and reaping etc. These are rules that might not be forced and yet they work.


These are documented records of things that were done before. By constantly doing these things even though they are not law, they are established standards that we use as examples that we can follow as good practice.


I hope you don't misunderstand me at this point. God has blessed us with a sound mind.

We have choices and decisions that we make in our freedom. Not everything is written in the Bible. For example "go into the world and make disciples of all Nations" doesn't specify which nation you must go to. That decision is made by you in your freedom as a believer.

"We want to avoid any criticism of the way we administer this liberal gift. For we are taking pains to do what is right, not only in the eyes of the Lord but also in the eyes of men" (2 Corinthians 8:20-21)

The Apostle Paul is careful about this gift of freedom. He wants to be able to exercise this gift in such a way that it is ethical and doesn't attract unnecessary scandals.

As we make decisions around the sources of finance in the local Church, we can exercise the freedom, but these freedoms are not selfish on our part.

We ought to be honest both in the sight of God, and in the sight of man so that those who seek to scandalous your name will not find opportunity.


(2 CORINTHIANS 8: 1-16)

1. Believers gave themselves first to God & then to the Apostles teachings (vs. 5)

Pulling money out of people who are not first surrendered to God is wrong. They might misunderstand the aspect salvation by faith. Giving becomes for them a means to salvation.

2. Believers gave as an act of grace (vs. 7)

"But just as you excel in everything in faith, speech, in knowledge, in complete earnestness and in love for us see that you also excel in this grace of giving"

3. Believers Giving was out of their free will (vs. 3)

4. They gave out of a genuine heart of love (vs. 8)

Some of the things we ought to learn about the principles of giving are;

(a) Giving is not by compulsion nor of command (Acts 5:4) Ananias and Sapphira were never forced to give. They were killed by lying to the Holy Spirit.

(b) Giving should be a priority

The work of God should not be forgotten in our priorities.

(c) Giving should be voluntary and cheerful

(d) Giving should be proportional to our wealth

"As he may prosper" which means according to his financial ability. (1 Corinthians 16:1-2)

(e) Giving should be sacrificial

(f) Giving should be generous

Mfundisi should make sure that when he/she exalts the believers to give, they don't feel like they are under a curse if they don't give. God loves a cheerful giver. We do well to teach the believers the importance of financially partnering in the gospel ministry.


1. Missionary Support

Some Gospel workers especially missionaries to Africa raise their own funding from their churches, family and friends.

The gospel work is funded by the generosity of brothers and sister overseas.

Unfortunately this model doesn't work well for African gospel workers.

When you are released to pursue your calling they send you with prayer. That's why everyone seeks to be a Pastor of a local church, because if your ministry is evangelism you might not find local church support.

While poverty might be cited as reason why the African believers fail to support gospel ministry, the wrong teachings about giving has hardened hearts of believers who can't give willingly unless manipulated, deceived and scammed to give.

It is doable with the right attitude. Imagine 10 people giving you R1000 a month. That can go a long way.

2. All Tithes belong to Pastor

Some Pastors demand that they take all the tithe. Renting a church building and others responsibilities the church should use other forms of offering but all the tithe goes to Mfundisi.

This works well when the Church is small and tithe is R6000 monthly. But when the Church begins to receive R100, 000 per week, it means

pastor takes home R400, 000 per month.

This model is wrong as it empowers one man financially. It borders on greedy and materialism.

3. 40/60 Principle

Mfundisi salary is determined by a percentage. He gets 40% of monthly Church income.

4. Fixed Salary

The congregation comes up with the salary scale for the Pastor and other church workers. His salary should not be less than the lowest paid member of the church, or higher than the highest paid member of the Church.


Mfundisi should be paid a salary enough to meet his needs. We should avoid the temptation of peddling the gospel for Profit.

Lawrence Musunte


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