INTRODUCTION A Theological view that disposed, displaced, tortured, maimed, killed and imprisoned the likes of President Nelson Mandela cannot be allowed in the new South Africa, which belongs to all who live in it. From a minority white supremacists Apartheid rule to a majority rule there is need for a theological shift. The Afrikaner Calvinism Theology can't just go on business as usual. 1994 a major shift happened in South Africa bringing in the first democratic elections that saw President Mandela becoming the first black President. But the theological position which caused the death and torture of many black South Africans like our Mother Winnie Mandela has never be addressed. There is need for black and white Christians & theologians to sit around the Bible and charter a theology that speaks to the dignity and diversity of people in South Africa and put an end to a theology that has caused untold pain, anger and trauma especially among black South Africans. This is the theological view that has left untold miseries and painful memories among black South Africans. In this article I am responding to the statement that was made by a well known television Evangelist Augus Buchan which states, "it's only the Afrikaners and Jews who have a covenant with God" He said this as he made a call to Afrikaners to attend a conference to be held at Loftus Rugby Stadium in February 2020. BRIEF HISTORY In 1652 Jan Van Riebeek was sent to start a Dutch Settlement in the Cape of Good Hope by the Dutch East Indian Company with workers who were predominantly members of the Dutch Reformed Church. In 1665 Johan Van Arckel arrived in the Cape Colony and became the first Minister. The Dutch Reformed Church is known as "Nederduitse
Kerk" (NGK) DEFINITIONS 1. Apartheid is defined as a system of governance that is based on racial segregation that was practiced by South Africa and still practiced in the middle East by Israel against the Palestinian people. 2. Racism is defined as the superior attitude of one race over another. 3. Afrikaner Calvinism is a Calvinist doctrine of predestination with emphasis on "a chosen people" found in the Bible. ISRAEL AS A CHOSEN NATION "The LORD said to Abram, leave your country, your people and your father's household and go to the land I will show you. I will make you into a great nation and will bless you; I will make your name great, and you will be a blessing. I will bless those who bless you, and curse those who curse you; and all the people on earth will be blessed through you" (Genesis 12:1-3) The idea of Israel as a Nation chosen exclusively by God to be God's own special people began in Genesis 12. Chapter 11, reveal the efforts of men to build a city that will reach heaven and make their name great. Genesis 12 God is beginning again by calling one man Abraham to begin a spiritual journey back to God. From Genesis 3 when man sinned they began to drift away from God until they reached and attempted to build the tower of Babel. That failed because God was excluded. God offers four-fold promises to Abraham namely; 1. God will grant Abraham many children 2. They will possess the promised land 3.God will be their God 4. Through Abram all the nations (people groups) will be blessed. In Genesis 17:1-14 the covenant is put into effect by the sign of circumcision. This is symbolic to every Israel male child to remind them of this very special relationship that the covenant establishes between God and His people. Notice the 4th promise which states, "through Abram all the nations will be blessed". This promise goes beyond one nation. From the very beginning God's plan of salvation is inclusive. We have seen through the genealogy of our Lord Jesus Christ names of foreigners like Ruth and Rahab are included in Christ's ancestry. Yes it might at first look like God has favoritism in choosing Israel over other nations. However, His plan to reach the world had to begin by separating one man and through him reach other nations throughout the World. God's plan for Israel was to be God's people, in God's land, under God's rule. AFRIKANER AS A CHOSEN NATION The Afrikaner Nation defined themselves as a special people chosen by God just as God chose the Jewish Nation. Armed with the Calvinism Theology they viewed themselves as a chosen nation and the Bantu and other indigenous people of Southern Africa as damned. They deemed themselves as elected by God while the rest are excluded from this election as per doctrine of predestination. The common thread among the nations who have a 'covenant' with God like Israel, Afrikaners, and Zambia which became a Christian nation by declaration is their supposedly superior attitude towards others. The idea that God favors their nation more than others. The so called covenant nations become harsh in dealing with other divergent views. They become arrogant as if they actually own God. They tend to be very legalistic people and extremely inhuman devoid of feelings. How often have you seen Christians ignore the plight of the Palestinian people simply because "Israel" is a chosen nation by God? When last did the "chosen nation" Call for prayer for the Palestinian People? What about women and children who are killed and injured in Palestine? Do their lives matter? How can I fail to reach out to them simply because I am a Christian? Today they call for National Day of Prayer and fasting for reconciliation. Tomorrow they are killing their political opponent but proudly calling themselves "Christian nation". The idea that it's OK to kill in the name of God because our enemies are enemies of God too. But how do you then explain the oppressive regime under Apartheid when the oppressor is "chosen by God? “And we wonder why the young generation is beginning to question the all logic of Christianity that portray more hate than love? The Afrikaner Calvinism was set as a platform where salvation became a "collective" people group as opposed to having a personal relationship with God. The Bantu people were considered barbaric savages who had to be pushed out of the land aggressively. The brutal murder of indigenous people were seen as God's will that needed no repentance but a victory praise in the Kerk (Church). "We are the chosen" ideology positioned the Afrikaner nation as the Israel and South Africa was their promised land. A land that flows with milk and honey. The Bantus are the Canaanites to be driven out of prime land by force. The plight of indigenous South Africans is similar with the Palestinians. In the name of God innocent lives die every day just for standing on the other side of history and a theological view. THE NEW COVENANT "Drink from it, all of you. This is my covenant, which is poured out for many for the forgiveness of sins" (Matthew 26:25-27) The promises given to Abraham were pointing to Jesus Christ. In the old testament the promises are physical while on this side of the cross they are spiritual. In the O.T Israel is the only chosen nation through whom God chose to reveal Himself. In the N.T the focus shifts from Israel to the Church. God is no longer entering into covenants with nations or people groups. God commissioned us to make disciples of all Nations. "But you are a chosen people, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, a people belonging to God, that you may declare the praises of Him who called you out of darkness into his wonderful light. Once you were not a people, but now you are the people of God; once you had not received mercy, but now you have received mercy" (1 Peter 2:9-10) An African child should never position himself as inferior person. You can raise your head child of God knowing too well you are chosen, royal, belonging to God. The Holy nation comprises of all those who have accepted Christ universally cutting across race, culture and ethnicity. The evil, demonic and ungodly doctrine that birthed Apartheid should never been seen, felt, or tolerated in the Body of Christ. Unity in diversity should reflect the Church in South Africa. And the Church till now have been playing hide and seek on the issues of racism. I Pray that Augus Buchan apology should lead him to examine his theology. It can't be that he made a mistake to call the Boers to a meeting and refer to them as a chosen nation just like a Jewish nation. He believes in the theology of the "chosen ones" and we need a theological conversation in the new South Africa because doctrine influences' minds. Doctrine can give and sustain lives. Doctrine can destroy and kill lives. Apartheid is the example of Christian teaching that went terribly wrong. Thank you for reading & sharing. Lawrence Musunte