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If your husband sexually violates your daughter (biological/step) it's a crime. Many women in Zambia together with their families cover these crimes.

What you see happening in churches is a reflection of our rotten society. If there is one profession Zambians know too well is sweeping things under the carpets.

Until the carpets begin to smell.

Even if you ask "what is smelling here?" Ati, "nothing is smelling here"

The first thing they think about is to protect their husband/men and literally silences the girl. You husband having sexual intercourse with you and you daughter and you think demanding justice is 'bitterness, hatred & jealous?' Jealous of what? Jealous of incest? Jealous of rape?

Kanshi how do you think BA another approach? Our society has degenerated, and our fathers & mothers in shielding perpetrators have made these issues worse, and normal.

This is a deeply partrichal society, Zambia is disappointing we Behaving 60 years behind!

These girls are messed up, because we don't understand the psychological hold that single act can have on a life of a girl.

Ati Lawrence is full of hatred, like how do your heads work banamayo? One day you will wish Lawrence Musunte spoke for you, by that time C5 or Jarabos would have taken me to the grave.

It's a Shame for a woman to be a rape apologist. Go call me the worst you can, but your own daughters will hate you for failing to protect their innocence.

Women who chose perpetrators over victims are outright evil wizards. Indoshi ishine shine.

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